Historical Preservation Commission

The purpose of this commission is to:

  • Safeguard the heritage of Hamburg by preserving resources within the Borough which reflect elements of its cultural, social, economic and architectural history.
  • Encourage the continued use of historic and/or noteworthy buildings, structures, objects and sites and to facilitate their appropriate reuse.
  • Maintain and develop an appropriate and harmonious setting for the historic and architecturally significant buildings, structures, sites and districts within the Borough.
  • Foster civic pride in the history and architecture of the Borough.
  • Regulate appropriate alteration of historic sites as well as new construction within or near historic districts to ensure compatibility with the existing built environment and the Master Plan of the Borough.
  • Discourage the unnecessary demolition or other destruction of historic resources.
  • Further the public’s knowledge of the history and development of the Borough as well as its appreciation of the Borough’s historic sites.
  • Promote the economic welfare of the Borough through the preservation of its historic sites and landscapes.

Historic Preservation Application

Wendy Brick
973-827-9230 x 4013

Meetings 2025:

In compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act, the following is a list of the monthly meetings of the Borough of Hamburg Historic Preservation Commission as approved at the January 27, 2025 reorganization meeting. The Commission will meet at 7:00 pm at the Borough of Hamburg Municipal Building, 16 Wallkill Ave. Hamburg, New Jersey 07419 on the following dates::

  • 1/27/2025
  • 4/28/2025
  • 7/28/2025
  • 10/27/2025

Members 2025:

  • Russell Brown (Class A)
  • Dan Barr (Class B)
  • Bill Oehler (Class C)
  • Charles McMickle (Class C)
  • Art Walton (Class C)
  • Lisaann Permunian (Class C) Alt 1
  • George Endres – Council Liaison