Dog/Cat License Application

All cats and dogs in the Borough of Hamburg must be licensed to ensure that all animals have received their rabies vaccination. License renewals are due in January of each year . Licenses must be acquired for all new animals over 6 months of age or within 10 (ten) days of moving into the Borough.

** If you no longer have a dog/cat or your pet is deceased please notify us at the number below to avoid renewal notices or a summons for an unlicensed animal.

Licensing may be done in person or by mail to: Borough of Hamburg at the address above.

You must include the following:

  • Proof of current rabies vaccination which must be valid for ten full months of the licensing year and therefore cannot expire before November 1st of the licensing year. (State Statute 4:19-15.a).
  • Check or money order payable to the Borough of Hamburg for the licensing fee (per animal): $16.00 for spayed /neutered and $19.00 non-spayed/non-neutered
  • Self-addressed stamped envelope must be provided so the license can be returned by mail.

Leash Law – Ordinance 70-12B: No person owning, keeping or harboring any dog shall suffer or permit it to be upon the public or private streets or in any public place of the Borough of Hamburg unless such dog is accompanied by a person over the age of 12 years and is securely confined and controlled by an adequate leash no more than 6 feet long.

General Information – Ordinance 70-13: protects the health and welfare of the Borough residents by requiring the prompt and proper disposal of animal feces in a sanitary manner. Any violations of the Ordinance will result in an offense fine of $50.00.

License Renewals due by January 31, 2025

(A $5.00 per month, per animal late fee will be imposed for all payments received after January 31, 2025. * see Hamburg Ordinance 70-8 A (Dogs) and 70-3 G (Cats))

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