
Billing and Payment Information

  • Property tax bills are mailed out once a year, in July, and contain four quarterly payments.
  • Taxes are payable quarterly on the first day of February, May, August and November. Any taxes remaining unpaid by the 11th day of February, May, August or November are subject to interest. Payments must be made on or before the due date to avoid interest charges. Payments received after the (ten day) grace period are subject to interest regardless of postmark.
    1. (Per NJ State Statute 54:4-64 – Delivery of Tax Bills
      (3) The validity of any tax or assessment, or the time at which it shall be payable, shall not be affected by the failure of a taxpayer to receive a tax bill, but every taxpayer is put on notice to ascertain from the proper official of the taxing district the amount which may be due for taxes or assessments against him or his property.)
  • Make checks payable to Borough of Hamburg.
  • We accept cash, check, money order and credit/debit card payments. Payments via card must be made using our online system. (In the Quick Links on the right hand side of this page.)
  • A fee of $25.00 will be charged for all returned checks and the unpaid taxes are subject to collection.
  • Mailing Address: Borough of Hamburg – Tax Collector 16 Wallkill Avenue Hamburg, NJ 07419
    • For after-hours payment, there is a 24 hour payment box next to the entrance door of the Municipal Building.
    • The bill should be given to a new owner or his paying agent upon sale or exchange of the property. A charge may be imposed for a duplicate bill.

Interest on Delinquent payments

  • Delinquent payments are subject to interest at the rate of 8% per annum on the first $1,500.00 of the delinquency and 18% per annum on any amount in excess of $1,500.00 payable from the tax due dates.
  • A penalty of 6% will be charged on any delinquency in excess of $10,000.00 if not paid by the end of the tax year.


  • Remittance requiring receipt: include the entire tax bill with a self-addressed stamped envelope.
  • Remittance not requiring receipt: detach the appropriate stub and mail with your check; the canceled check will be your receipt.

Tax Sale

  • All prior year balances are subject to Tax Sale.
  • Tax Sale is held annually, usually in July.
  • Prior year balances remaining unpaid at the time of tax sale could result in a lien being placed on your property.


Regina Flammer,
Tax Collector
973-827-9230 ext. 4011

Tax Information Search

Pay your Tax Bill using our online payment service.

E-Checks and the following Credit cards accepted: MasterCard, Discover, American Express or Visa.

A per transaction service fee will be charged by the payment processing company for this service.