
Water and Sewer are billed quarterly :

  • First Quarter – December, January and February are billed in March
  • Second Quarter – March, April and May are billed in June
  • Third Quarter – June, July and August are billed in September
  • Fourth Quarter – September, October and November are billed in December

Payments received after the due date are subject to interest of 8% under $1500.00 and 18% over $1500.00. Service may be discontinued for bills not paid within 30 days after the billing date.

  • Make checks payable to Borough of Hamburg
  • We accept cash, check, money order and credit/debit card payments. Payments via card must be made using our online system. (In the Quick Links on the right hand side of this page.)
  • A fee of $25.00 will be charged for all returned checks.
  • Mailing Address:
    Borough of Hamburg -Water/Sewer Dept.
    16 Wallkill Avenue
    Hamburg, NJ 07419
  • For after hour payments, there is a 24 hour mail slot at the entrance door of the Municipal Building.
  • Any open Water/Sewer charges after the due date are subject to be turned off.

Discontinuance of Service for Unpaid Bills

After the thirty (30) days, a disconnect notice will be sent out. Payment must be received within ten (10) days of the notice in the form of cash, certified check or money order. No personal checks will be accepted regardless of the postmark date. All checks received will be returned by mail. After the tenth (10th) day, water service will be disconnected. If water is turned off, there will be a one hundred dollar ($100) service charge plus full payment of delinquent bill in cash, certified check or money order. No personal checks will be accepted.

If You are Selling Your Home:
Please contact the Water/Sewer Department at 973-827-9230 ext. 4011, two weeks prior to closing to arrange an appointment for a final water reading and sump pump inspection as per Borough Ordinance 17-2024.
Application for Sump Pump Certificate.

Ordinance 17-2024 states: No owner shall sell any residential or non-residential building or structure within the Borough of Hamburg without first obtaining from the Borough Department of Public Works a Certificate stating that no sump pump or other device is connected to the Borough sanitary sewer system. No purchaser shall purchase a building or structure unless the Seller has obtained the required certificate of sump pump compliance prior to closing.


Regina Flammer, Water/Sewer Collector
Email: Tax-Water@hamburgnj.org
973-827-9230 ext 4011

  • Pay your Water Bill using our online payment service. E-Checks and the following Credit cards accepted: MasterCard, Discover, American Express or Visa. A per transaction service fee will be charged by the payment processing company for this service.